[Northkeep] Grub n Garb Tonight!!!

Jherring68 jherring68 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 12:01:48 PDT 2014

There are bound to be a lot of new people here tonight so please wear your garb and be on the look out for faces you don't recognize to say hello to!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 25, 2014, at 1:58 PM, Baroness Montega <baroness at northkeep.ansteorra.org> wrote:
> Helllllooooo Northkeep!!!!
> It is a glorious day in Ansteorra! 
> Join your barony tonight at Grub n Garb. Wear your garb, bring a dish for pot luck. Tonight is our cooking competition and we will have visitors from far and wide. Dust off that armor, pick up your crafts, your SCA family is waiting for you!
>  7 PM 6th and Peoria at the VFW 
> See you tonight!!! It will be epic!!
> Montega 
> Baroness
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