[Northkeep] Royal Court: Twice is Nice

Joanna Morton joalin99 at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 2 11:41:34 PDT 2020

This Saturday, October 3, 2020 there will be not one, but two Royal Courts!

 4:00PM in conjunction with Namron Protectorate

5:00PM in conjunction with Bryn Gwlad's Virtual Hunt

Both courts will be streamed on the Kingdom of Ansteorra Facebook Page, and later posted to the Kingdom of Ansteorra YouTube channel.

If you would like to see former courts the YouTube channel is at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC09oAqJbPGviT5ff9AAtBjQ/videos

If you would like to see the livestream in real time without having to use Facebook, email me at joalin99 at hotmail.com at least an hour before court and I will set up a Zoom meeting so that we can watch it together!

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