[Northkeep] WinterKingdom

Rick Drake ainarm at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 09:56:02 PST 2021

Greetings unto those who read this missive.  It is that time of year again
where we ask the eternal question, what will you be teaching at
WinterKingdom.  This year we are back in person at the Creek County
Fairgrounds on February 5th and the event is shaping up to be a spectacular
one with many different and fun things going on.  But first and foremost
this is a collegium event and as such we have to have teachers to be
successful.  We are open to classes on pretty much anything. I will provide
a link to the instructor form in this missive.  To be put on the schedule,
please fill out this form as completely as possible.  We will be working on
the schedule setup closer to the event, once we have a firm class list.

The facebook event page and the website setup art currently under
construction, there will be more announcements about this in the comming
days.  Please share this missive where it would be relevant if it has not
already been shared.

Ainar Magnusson
Co-Autocrat of Winterkingdom


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