[Northkeep] Indoor Fighter Practice Location

Seneschal of Northkeep seneschal at northkeep.ansteorra.org
Tue Feb 15 20:28:49 PST 2022

 Good evening, Northkeep!

As some of you may have heard, we have been offered an indoor practice site
when we need it for Tuesday evenings by Boston Avenue United Methodist

There is a caveat, however:

Anyone who participates will need to pass a background check through the
church as there could be minors on site at the same time as us.
Fortunately, they have offered to cover the effort and cost of these
background checks, all we have to do is supply them with a small amount of
information they'll need to run said checks. Along those lines, I've
constructed a short Google Form so that I can compile the information and
get it over to them.

Their Excellencies and I are asking anyone who even THINKS they might like
to come to the indoor practice site to fill out this form and undergo
background checks so there's no hiccups in the flow and so that Boston
Avenue understands we're trying to follow all their rules and be

So without further ado, here's the link and I look forward to seeing all of
you as we get back to doing what we love more regularly!


In service,
Lord Alexandre Crane
Northkeep Baronial Seneschal

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