Oh this is a wonderful class! I went with the intention of being a bystander and did not bother to speak up for a place or gather needed materials for all the interest in the class and thought it closed. I was overjoyed to find out that there was space and some personal supplies available for reimbursement that allowed me to fully enjoy the class. April brought many examples of her work over the past year and gave insights to the design buildup. She covered the various stages and a few things to be watchful and the various shapes and silk weights. I heard a rumor later that she came to our Barony on her birthday. Happy belated birthday! I to share this month with others on the celebration of my birth with other Taurus of the world. My gift to myself was an order for my own supplies and have already started my stretcher. I hope to have many pennants & banners to dress my area. See you soon at Castellan & Lillies, Ron/Renault