Aye, A few of mine seem to have. . . . One msg that was posted late Dec 23/early 24th and was released today (midday 27th). It has been said before that some msgs. get put on hold till Darmaid releases them because of attachments or possible infections. On the other hand, it could be the personal ISP email servers holding the msgs themselves. I have found sometimes my web-based email "times out" while acting like the msg was sent. I just re type the msg, od try and type the msg in notepad and then copy to email session. On one Yahoo groups msg. board I belong to, I will frequently receive replies to msgs. before I get the original msg. Ron/Renault ________________________________________________________________________ FREE for 30 Days! - Holiday eCards from AmericanGreetings.com http://track.juno.com/s/lc?s=197335&u=http://www.americangreetings.com/index.pd?c=uol5637