PE - tent fabric

Cherie Nolan marguerite at
Thu Aug 17 20:00:45 PDT 2000

Well with me being in business (which is something hate to talk about on this list), I want to make sure people was happy and having fun in my tents. After gulf war flood
last year. I said I would never get wet again like that. Plus I have four kids two of them are very small. They was sick for two weeks after that. 
1 I wanted materials that was water proof, not resistant the resistance washes off after a while.
2 It looks period and doesn't make the encampment look bad
3 that was pretty and colorful (hate seeing a plain white tent encampment they was getting to many)
4 it is a 100% uv protection for you
5 it doesn't fade as fast as canvas, and I can get it in a very large range of colors which I like really colorful tents.
6 it doesn't mold easily at all. We have a tent that was the bright yellow on my web site and it was by accident place in its bag wet. When they called me I was thinking
bruised banana and it didn't have a spot of mold on it. After three weeks in the Texas sun. That is because of the polyester doesn't allow mold to grow on non organic
materials and mold can't easily grow.
7. No water resistant tent is 100% water proof. in fact no tent is 100% water proofed because there is a degree that we all have to deal with with rain and water. water
will find the smallest hold and it through it. but with this you can use a vinyl seal and stop the water from finding the hole.
8. Canvas fire resistant or not will also burn and continue to burn. This stuff puts it self out when the source of the flame is removed, at less it has every time I have
tested. But you are always at the mercy of the manufactures who makes it. 
9. this material doesn't hold the water like canvas so it isn't as damp in the morning and it doesn't hold the rain like canvas. So after the rain stops it fasts three
times faster then canvas. 
10. the last thing is that the heat isn't as bad as you think. I would say it is as equal if not better then canvas because of the uv protection the rays don't get in as
easy. You can also vent it like a regular tent and it stay's comfortable. Basically it was the best material I could find.
11. it doesn't tear like canvas, it will not continue to run. We had men trying to tear it at gulf wars and could not get it to rip anymore then it was cut.

I had a black tent at a list field and people came by to see how hot it was. I think they thought that it would be hotter then ..... under it and they was really surprise.
I had it open like and regular tent and it didn't get hot. I fact I moved under it more to get out of the sun and more into the shade. 

Another thing, my personal feeling is if you make the roof high pitch it seems to make it less hot in the tent. Remember from basic science heat rises therefore equaling
out the heat exchange a little better. 

The tents with the low roof seems to be really hot canvas or polyester it is hot plus you get a really bad water run off. Does this help. 
The first customer that wanted this I told them i was making mine first and testing it out before I sold it to anyone and they insisted to get one and there squire too! I
told them I thought they was crazy because it would be really hot. They wanted one no matter what. So we made them one he owe crown while I was finishing it that day. He
has used it for almost a year and loves it and his squire is the one with the bright yellow on the site. The yellow is blinding but it still looks great and the color can
be documented. the blue and yellow oval was the Kings.   

Jennifer Jackson wrote:
> Why polyester with vinyl backing?  I thought that a natural material was
> supposed to breath better, and be cooler in the summer.  I have never made a
> tent, and will appreciate your information on this.
> Dagmar
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Spinning Winds Pavilions and Tents
Kingdom of Ansteorra's Tent Guild  tentguild at
Lady Marguerite des Fleur, 
marguerite at
4260 Arthur Lane
Beaumont, Tx. 77706
phone 409-899-1488
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