PE - Ansteorra Encampmment News Letter

Thu Aug 31 07:43:17 PDT 2000

How would someone out of kingdom go about subscribing to this newsletter?

Robert' de Tyre

-----Original Message-----
From: Cherie Nolan [mailto:marguerite at]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 10:21 AM
To: periodencampments at; Medieval Encampment list;
ansteorra; Elfsea at; Artemisia maillist; Arts and Sciences;
Atenveldt maillist; Athelmearc maillist; Atlantia maillist; Calontir
maillist; Clann-Ross; coastal list; East Kingdom maillist;
Firefall"noh_rdh at"; Meridies maillist; Middle maillist;
Outlands maillist; Steven Linkhart; Trimaris maillist
Subject: PE - Ansteorra Encampmment News Letter

Greeting from Lady Marguerite des Fleur,

As some of you may know the period encampment list for Ansteorra is doing a period encampment news letter.
This will be available through our kingdoms stock clerk if all knows well. We are looking for patterns on tent making, furniture making, articles of documentation and
places to ge and get documentation, jokes, drawing, lamps, basically any thing that would enhance a period encampment, one good man send me a design for a weapons and
shield rack, so any thing I have not sited would be great, others have send me articles on persona play, so anything that you feel is important in making a period

There is many events that is doing encampments in the up coming future. Please call the autocrat if you would like to be part of or form one yourself. 
If you have articles to send to me please do so privately. 
If you would like to join the period encampment list please feel free to join by going to and find the period encampment list and subscribe. Thank you for
your time and your help in getting period encampments start or enchanted in all of our kingdoms. 
Thank you Marguerite 
Spinning Winds Pavilions and Tents
Kingdom of Ansteorra's Tent Guild  tentguild at
Lady Marguerite des Fleur, 
marguerite at
4260 Arthur Lane
Beaumont, Tx. 77706
phone 409-899-1488
cell 409-892-0206
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