PE - Re: Guy ropes and spokes.

Stephen Wyley stephenw-hrt at
Mon Feb 21 09:14:45 PST 2000

Hi All,

It is my belief that the work of any artist must be taken with a gain 
of salt. The depiction of guy ropes depends on the sophistication of 
the art, the distance from the focal point of the work and the 
subject of the work. Guy ropes were fidely fines lines and only 
really needed to be shown of tents in foreground of a picture.

I could always do statistical survey of ms and other works of tents 
to determine how often guy ropes are shown or not shown. 

The Spoked wheel design.

Currently, there is no historical documentation for the design that I 
am aware of.


John La Torre wrote earlier (Dec 13th):

> My documentation is exactly zero. The design was not meant to be a period rendition,
> but was based on an umbrella-type tensioning system of my own design.
> --
> John LaTorre/DRAGONWING Pavilions
> Visit us on the Internet at:

> My question is that are we certain that the artists of the paintings didn't
> paint the guy ropes because they didn't exist on those tents or did they
> leave them off for convenience?  Without guy ropes the design of the tent
> must have the spokes that you mentioned.  Only I have not heard any
> documentation for this design.  (Not to say it doesn't exist just that I
> have neither seen nor heard of it.)  Is the internal frame of spokes shown
> in your documentation?
> Honestly, I'm not trying to poopooh your tent or its design only asking if
> this is documentable or are you sacrificing documentation so that it is
> easier to set up?

Bye for now,

Stephen Francis Wyley
stephenw-hrt at
Technical Officer
(Plant Tissue Culture, Chemistry and Soil Science)
Conservation and Applied Science Department, NMIT


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