PE - Walls - Extant tent - Switzerland -

Stephen Wyley svenskildbiter at
Thu Jun 22 15:28:06 PDT 2000

Hi Marguerite,

The walls look like they are in fact separate. Maybe one of the pictures through the dooway show detail enough. Is the the chap from Greydragon on this list? He did not seem to have an email contact on his home page.

Also, it was interesting to note how the door way was cut and rolled up, let alone how the apex guy ropes were attacht to the apex. 

What I would like to know is the provenance of the tent. How old is it? Where did it come from,etc.

The decoration on the roof reminds me of the tents of the Hussites.

Bye for now,

(Stephen Francis Wyley)
Fortifications (Dictionary of Military Architecture, etc).
Archery, Arms, Armour, Chests, Tents, Trebuchets,
Vikings, Woodwork.
Arrow Fletching, Turbow Longbows & Yoretymes Emporium of History

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 07:55:21   Cherie Nolan wrote:
>Wow! I like the pictures Thank you!
>How are the walls attached?
>I didn't see any of that. But the hooks was great. I will be looking at them all day. I notice the ropes that are crows feet ropes are not as high as the ones you see in
>pictures. Which makes me thank that it comes down in medieval pictures that is a artist thing. I have tried to do the crows feet design but the ropes tied about a foot from
>the roof line doesn't give you a nice round edge. So I wonder if the museum was correct in the way they actually would have done it. Thank you! Marguerite
>Stephen Wyley wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I join with Glenda recommending this site. This is the first time that I have seen an extant tent from Europe.
>> Great work from the House of Greydragon!
>> --------- Forwarded Message ---------
>> DATE: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 10:00:19
>> From: "Glenda Robinson" <glendar at>
>> To: "Wayne Robinson" <wayne at>,"Steve Wylie" <svenskildbiter at>
>> Good morning,
>> I've just found this website from a guy who saw it face to face:
>> An extant tent from Switzerland from the 16th century and used for many
>> years.
>> Glenda.
>> --------- End Forwarded Message ---------
>> --
>> Bye for now,
>> Sven
>> (Stephen Francis Wyley)
>> Fortifications (Dictionary of Military Architecture, etc).
>> Archery, Arms, Armour, Chests, Tents, Trebuchets,
>> Vikings, Woodwork.
>> Arrow Fletching, Turbow Longbows & Yoretymes Emporium of History
>> Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.
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