PE - Ropes or not to rope! Myrindyl at
Tue Oct 3 15:29:56 PDT 2000

Lady Clare said:
>Soon after we came up with the idea of pieces of old
>garden hose cut to length and slipped over the stake. Makes for a much safer

Then Lady Marguerite said:
>that is a very good idea if you use black hose no one will really see it. 
>Plus if you tie a white piece of cloth on it you can find them in the dark.

Personally, I would use a lighter piece of hose on the stake, so that it would
 show up.  I can't count the number of times I have gotten my feet tangled up 
in the bottom end of tent ropes because the tent owner tied 'warning flags' 
halfway down the tent rope but didn't indicate where the ground end of it 
was!!  It's very annoying (and potentially dangerous) to trip just when you 
think you're far enough away from the tent to avoid the stakes!

Lady Birgitta
Barony Bordermarch
Kingdom of Ansteorra
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