PE - water repellant for canvas.... testing as I speak..

mcclure carey constable_sca at
Wed Mar 7 16:48:09 PST 2001

date line. march 7, 2001 12:45 pm 

key connor here, i have just found what i believe will
do just fine. spec's and adobe file to follow..... 

product is sold at sherwin-williams stores and is
cheep enough.
H&C concrete & masionry waterproofing sealer, the
product no. is 111.13 and for a 1 gal can it is

it also comes in 5 gal for aprox 65.00$$$$

i have to product sheet with all!! the details, and
will try toattach it here.. yeh, that didn't work!!

Drys in 2hr-4hr depending on temp of 77 deg and 
55%rh humity.

 recoats as soon as the previous is dry. 1 gal will
cover depending on surface

type:                   SQ ft
concrete floors         200-250
porous concrete         150-200
concrete block          125-150
brick                   100-150
stucco                  100-150

flash pt is 201' farienheit 

key connor

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