RF - Unto the Populace (1of 2)

aodhfionn at unforgettable.com aodhfionn at unforgettable.com
Tue Jul 13 06:38:17 PDT 1999

Unto the small portion of the populace of Raven's Fort that receives this list, and 

	There are two portions to this letter.  This, the first part will contain my 
personal opinions and observations.  I will attempt to be as non-accusatory as 
possible.  I apologize in advance to anyone who sees any portion of this as a 
personal attack.  The second part will contain few of my own words, but instead, 
will be a collection of information I have managed to gather together after several 
hours of research.  I will also point out what information i was *not* able to find.  
I do not expect this second post to clear up any confusion, but at least, to clear 
up *why* there was confusion.
	As has been noted in a previous letter, there was at least one acceptable 
reason for recent venomous posts, if not for the degree of venom in them or that 
venom's direction.  This barony is having a problem with recognizing those 
members who *need* recognition.  I will state now that I am *not* one of those 
that needs recognition.  Actually, I feel it better to state that the Barony needs to 
recognize them, for the Barony as much as for the individual.  Many reasons for 
why this recognition is not forthcoming have been pointed out.  I will now point 
out another:  Those who might recommend others for awards do not know that 
they can, much less how to go about it.  Those who know the acceptable form 
and method for recommendations are not making them, nor are they sharing this 
information with others.  And, at least in one instance, those who have suggested 
awards have had those awards refused without adequate explanation.  The 
following  is not personal, I use the highest ranking example in our barony 
because it is the best example, not because it is the only one, but the Baroness 
said to me that every attempt is made to surprise the individual who is receiving 
the award.  I've noticed many surprised individuals lately.  Some had been so 
long doing that which they achieved the award for that many thought they had 
already received it or that there was no award for it.  "It's about time."  Is indeed 
being said way too seriously by way too many people of late.
	If it were only the lack of awards that is disturbing, I don't think I'd bother 
with this, but it seems we also have a lack of populace and populace 
communication.  The size of our populace meetings are pitifully small compared to 
what I remember.  Some of this is due to unavoidable changes in location - some 
to unavoidable requirements of mundane life.  But a glance at the Domesday list 
shows me many times more names than I see at those meetings.  Also, we have 
the same lack of attendance at other baronial non-event gatherings, and indeed, 
our events are somewhat underpopulated.  At bardic gatherings that have been 
held I was disappointed that our Ravenskald was not in attendance.  So much so, 
that I asked our previous Ravenskald why.  He told me he hadn't known about 
them.  There are many people who are in this Barony, paid members or not, who 
we *need* for support and growth.  For many reasons, some of them miss out 
on one or more lines of communication.  Some do not receive the Quoth, others 
have no online access, and more do not or cannot attend populace meetings.  
Those who miss out on two or more of these information sources seem to miss 
out on two thirds or more of our activities.  I attend populace every possible time, 
receive the Quoth, and have had semi-reliable internet access for about two years 
now, and I have still missed things because I didn't know about them until it was 
too late.  I don't know how people found out in the past, nor do I know if there is 
any standardized method of informing the populace in a timely manner that is left 
over from the pre-modem days, but I'm starting a list.  I'm going to contact every 
single person in this Barony I can get my hands on (and some that are not, but do 
give us their allegiance), in whatever way is possible, and let them know what is 
happening.  If I can't attend, I'll try even harder to make sure others do.  Many of 
these people are long distance to me or may have inconvenient contact methods, 
those who wish to help may feel more than welcome to do so.  If we happen to 
hit a person more than once, maybe they'll feel *real* wanted.  And for those 
who may know of upcoming events that those who are making the calls might 
have missed, make sure the callers know, call them.  I was going to start this next 
month, but I realize now I was being lazy.  I've been lazy for far too long.  I think 
a lot of us have.
	Anyone who knows about the last time I attended TRF as a member of 
the SCA and got into a dispute knows that I am not worried about political 
suicide.  If asked, I'll say more in person, even to the individual the dispute was 
with.  However, I do not wish to be committing said suicide here, and if what I 
say next is taken wrong, it could turn out that way.  The following is *not* a 
political attack, but is an observation:
	In any group with an acknowledged leader or leaders, it is incredibly 
difficult not to look to them when there is a problem.  In the best of times they are 
looked to for a solution and know that one must be found.  The best of times 
rarely happen.  The worst of times find personal grievances and a lack of 
realization that cause accusations and insults.  Those who find themselves in the 
position of leader are never perfect, but are often held to a higher standard.  
Those who look to the leaders should try their utmost to allow for human failings.  
And the leaders should be willing to admit to them.  My apologies to the author 
for lack of credit, but I once read that if you be quick to offend, be quicker to 
apologize.  I don't expect the long standing grievances, mostly personal, to be 
solved in this manner now by anyone, but I hope we can avoid new ones.
	In closing (yay), much of the argument that has occurred of late has 
occurred because *no one* has seen everything that has occurred, much less 
known how *all* others who did see it interpreted it.  Remember that an event 
may be seen in two dramatically different ways.  Such as...
	There was a merchant once that had many goods to take to market, and 
he loaded his cart and harnessed his mule, but the mule would not heed his kindly 
urging to begin the trek.  determining that something was wrong, he examined his 
wagon and decided the load was too heavy and would need to be hauled in two 
trips.  After halving the load, he again found the mule would not pull the load, so 
he examined the wagon again.  This time, he replaced the worn wheels, but still 
the wagon did not move.  After having regreased and cleared the axles with no 
success, he decided the mule was at fault.  His gentler methods were replaced 
with lashings of the reins and colorfully abusive phrases, but the mule showed no 
reaction at all.  Finally, disgusted, he carried his goods back inside and left the 
wagon on the side of the road, deciding the trip was not worth the trouble.  Some 
hours later, a traveler wandered by and saw an opportunity for a ride.  He 
approached the merchant's door and inquired if the merchant would be so kind as 
to allow him a ride if he helped the merchant bury his dead mule and hitch 
	No, the mule and merchant and traveler do *not* serve as allegories of 
any specific people. Let's just find the problems and fix them.

In service,

Tiarna Aodhfionn Mac Cormaic
(Lowly Lord) Finn  Barony of Raven's Fort, Kingdom of Ansteorra, Land of the 
Knowne World, Planet called Terra, Plane of Midgaard...  well, you get the 

*group hug*
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