RF - We'rrreeeeeeeee BBBBaaaccccccckkkkkkkk!!!!!!

iris2 at onramp.net iris2 at onramp.net
Fri Aug 25 16:37:52 PDT 2000

Yes, I do have them and yes, I do teach.  And what's more, I enjoy doing that.
Thanks, Kaleb.  You're a gem.


> Give Jalali a call and ask her for a copy of Near & Mid-Eastern Drum Rhythms, it's in
> written form and has many of the rhythms we use. She might be willing to tutor you on
> them if you ask.
> Kayleb
> > Slept in the van and was up by 11 even though I did finally let go fri.
> > ReeeneeeHuuu !!!  A celebration for my first blood on the battle field.
> > I don't have the UM yet, but will pass it along.  Please send the RD.  As a neophyte
> > I need all the input I can get.
> >
> > Pax,
> > M.

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