RF - Re: Questions about BWsoG.

AMH/DBLJ orthart at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 18 00:51:06 PST 2000

Dear Dragonstar,

Thank you for the kind words about the event announcement.  I try.

You should have no problem finding a area for your camping needs,
especially if you have an advanced party arriving before dusk on
Friday.  The camp sites are supposed to be clearly marked, but it
wouldn't hurt to ask a local.

Our feastocrat is Segrid Sweinbroathar, called the Vosung (Steve Liems)
409-264-2035.  The best time to reach him is mid afternoon, fourish or
so.  Your poor husband does not know the wonderful taste delights he is
missing.  The glorious onion can bring one to tears.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Pax,     Marius

dragonstar1 wrote:

> Greetings
> My Lord Marius, my family and I will be traveling to Ravensfort from
> our
> home in the fair Barony of Elfsea to attend Black, White and Sort of
> Gray
> later this month.  We have had the priviledge of working with some of
> you at
> the demo at TRF for the past three years and have found the Barony of
> Ravensfort to be the home of some of the nicest people in the SCA.
> Last
> year, we attended War Practice and met even more wonderful people.
> Whoever wrote your event notice did a fabulous job.  Their words have
> convinced a few of our friends to join us in our journey.  All in all,
> one
> more family, two more couples, and a person who works for me will be
> joining
> our caravan from up north.  While we are not a formal household, we
> will be
> camping together.  In addition, the person who works for me, John
> Baker, has
> never been to an SCA event before.  I could think of no better place
> and no
> better event for him to attend as his first.  We have covered his garb
> and
> feast gear needs, so this is one less for the hospitaler to clothe.
> I have two questions of you that will allow me to complete our event
> preparations.
> First has to do with feast and I will understand if you forward this
> mail to
> the feast-o-crat.  My dear husband is extremely allergic to onions.
> This
> usually means that he side boards alot of feasts.  I need to check on
> how
> many items will contain onions or even onion powder in the spice
> mixes.
> Second, and this is a bit awkward, I must admit, is about camping and
> land
> grants.  When we were last at Ravensfort, we camped with Clan
> Firefall.  We
> are no longer formally associated with any household other than our
> own
> family's.  Since we have a fairly nice size group coming, up to 6 or 7
> tents, one of which is fairly large, we didn't know how best to
> arrange for
> camping space. >From our trip last year, we learned that some groups
> have
> their own "reserved" spot and we don't want to commit any major faux
> pas.
> Two of our little band will be leaving early so as to arrive before
> dark to
> set up camp while the rest of us wait for kids to get out of school
> and get
> off work.  How do you suggest we handle space?  Do we need to make
> "reservations" so to speak, or can someone from troll direct us to a
> spot
> where we can set up camp and not have to worry about moving tents
> later on
> in the night.  We don't want to accidentally end up where someone else
> is
> supposed to be.  In addition, we have kids.  Drums will lull these
> kids to
> sleep, but I can guarantee that a yell from my two-year old will wake
> the
> near dead from a drunken slumber in the wee hours of the day after.
> While I
> have learned to live with it, I don't care to inflict that kind of
> pain on
> anyone else.
> Sorry for the length of this email.  I know that you are extremely
> busy just
> now with the event so close.  Thanks for your time and all of your
> efforts.
> Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
> Medb Liath
> House Dragonstar
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