ANST-Announce - Performers Needed at Pennsic iris2 at
Sat Jun 24 11:56:14 PDT 2000

I have been asked by Their soon-to-be Majesties of Ansteorra to put together the
entertainment for the Ansteorrean Chili Night at Pennsic this year. (In case you
are unfamiliar with this, this is our big party at Pennsic where we invite the
Knowne World to come and share our hospitality!)  To that end, I am in great
need of your help.

If you are a performer and are coming to Pennsic (or you know of one who is)
Please have them contact me at the address below.  This is our opportunity to
help our Great Kingdom to shine at Pennsic as we invite the Knowne World to
share the hospitality that is Ansteorra.

I remain In Service To The Dream and the Kingdom's servant,
HE Jalali of Salamis, OL
iris2 at
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