RF - Skaldic

Cathal SilAlmhain silalmhain at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 2 07:24:44 PDT 2000

Dear Everybody:

After consultation with all the powers that be (at
least, all of the ones who have an opinion on this
subject) I am pleased to announce that Ravensfort will
have its first skaldic meeting.

I am sending this missive to take suggestions on when
and where that first meeting will take place.  I have
designs on having the meeting between the 15th of June
and the 15th of July, so check you calendars and tell
me what times looks good to you.  DO NOT REPLY TO THIS

The goals of the meeting will be twofold.

First: To take pieces recently learned or written and
perform them before an audience.

Second:  to pick up tips on performance, learn new
music/stories, find out about documentation and
presentation, etc.

That is, the two goals will be to 1) get experience
and 2) get training.  The whole idea is to bring out
the best in all of us, whether we are seasoned
"professionals" or first time tale-spinners, by having
both a sympathetic audience and a no-pressure format.

Thanks for your time.

Cathal SilAlmhain

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