RF - October Minutes

Patricia Schmidt iris2 at onramp.net
Mon Oct 16 17:44:10 PDT 2000

iris2 at onramp.net wrote:

> Unto the Populace of the Barony of Ravensfort
> >From HE Jalali of Salamis, OL
> I have become very concerned about the continued use of back-handed comments in our
> missives to one another on this forum.   Is it truly necessary for any of us to
> communicate
> in such a manner?  I would hope that it would not be so.  Isn't most unseemly  to be
> ugly to one another in such a roundabout manner?  Surely we all have better and more
> effective ways of
> communication.  We may not always agree with one another, true enough, but that in
> and of itself is not a justification for sniping at each other.

>  As a direct result of this,  I know that I  have had at least one friendship, (quite
> possibly more), that has been sorely straind by this already and am not sure that it
> can be repaired. It is truly disheartening what has been happening here.  I do not
> believe that I am alone in this feeling, but it appears that I have been the only
> one  to voice it thus far.  I sincerely hope that those who have been indulging
> themselves in such activities will think about it and, hopefully, choose to stop it
> before it becomes too much more hurtful. The price of lost friendships is too great a
> price for any of us to have to pay.  If any of you would like to make commentary to
> this, please e-mail me privately.  Any and all commentary will be appreciated.

> I remain, ISTTD,

> He Jalali of Salamis, OL

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