RF - RF-Newcomer Camping

MysticZ lt1_z28 at houston-f-body.org
Mon Sep 11 23:22:49 PDT 2000

cthulhu wrote:
> Due to a lull in the attendance of Swein at events we have plenty of
> room in our camp for anyone who may need a place to stay.  This is for
> all newcomers as well as visitors from other areas of the known world.
> If you know someone or are going to be working troll this weekend please
> mention it to anyone that might be interested.
> Thanks,
> Gesalec Sweinbrot

Why my no typin' brother (Sweinbrot?!?) forgot to mention is that it
would also be good to advise the aforementioned newbies as to the
general nature of Swein Camp. Would be bad to point someone looking for
peace and quiet towards us and all that ;)
Visit the Swein homepage- http://www.sweinbrothar.org
"I'm never gonna drink again!!!"
			-Ld. Gundiok Sweinbrothar... every Sunday

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