RF - Rights and Duties of the Populace

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 17 18:52:18 PDT 2001

>From Kingdom Law

> Section 1: Primary Rights and Duties
>      The primary right and duty of each Subject of
> Ansteorra is, by their presence, participation,
> research, and interaction, to assist
>      the Kingdom in recreating the environment of
> pre-Seventeenth Century culture at activities and
> events such as, but not
>      limited to, tournaments, fairs, parties, dances,
> classes, et cetera.
> Section 2: Religion
>    1.The Kingdom of Ansteorra will show respect to all
> religions at all times. 
>    2.No person shall infringe upon the religious
> freedom of the Kingdom by performing any rite in such
> a manner or location so as
>      to force any subject of the Realm to participate,
> observe, or be affected by the rite who does not wish
> to be involved. 
>    3.No person shall perform any rite at any event in
> such a manner so as to suggest that the rite is
> sponsored by the Kingdom or
>      the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. 
>    4.No policy or ruling in Ansteorra shall be made or
> set on the basis of creed or religion. 
> Section 3: Channels of Communication
>    1.Should a problem arise between subjects of the
> Kingdom of Ansteorra, proper channels for complaint
> and appeal should be
>      followed at all times. The appropriate channels
> for complaint shall be as specified in Kingdom Law and
> the Kingdom of
>      Ansteorra Seneschal's handbook. 
>    2.Any person or persons shall have the right to
> petition the Crown for any redress for the actions of
> any officer or
>      representative of the Crown, if all other
> channels have been tried and failed. 
>    3.While the Crown shall consider such petitions,
> the Petitioner(s) shall have the personal protection
> of the Crown. 
>    4.All subjects of the Realm shall have the right to
> appeal grievances to the Corporate level. This should
> only happen after all
>      other proper channels for complaint and appeal
> have been followed. 
> Section 4: Weaponry
>    1.The privileges of all subjects of the Crown to
> bear period weapons at events within the Realm shall
> not be infringed upon
>      unless deemed unsafe by the ruling noble, knight
> marshal, a representative of the Crown, or the Crown. 
>    2.Weapons shall not be drawn save that a good and
> sufficient reason exists. 
>    3.Final determination of good and sufficient reason
> rests solely with the Crown. 
> Section 5: Maintenance of Period Ambiance
>    1.No object, conduct, or manner of dress which is
> blatantly modern shall be publicly displayed at SCA
> events unless
>      permission has been obtained from the autocrat or
> the Crown. 
>    2.Any person who displays a blatantly modern
> appearance shall be open to public censure by the
> Crown or its representative. 
>    3.Modern equipment such as recorders, vehicles,
> phones, and cameras must be hidden whenever possible. 
> Section 6: Combat Participation
>    1.No one under 18 years of age will be allowed to
> participate in the fighting activities at SCA events
> in the Kingdom of
>      Ansteorra. 
>    2.Any Citizen of Ansteorra who wishes to
> participate in combat at an Event of the Society for
> Creative Anachronism, Inc. must
>      have been authorized by the Earl Marshal of
> Ansteorra or one of his designated subordinates. 
>    3.Any authorized person in Ansteorra shall have the
> right to participate in combat on the field. No
> authorized Ansteorran shall
>      be prohibited from fighting except for just and
> reasonable cause. 
>    4.Final determination of just and reasonable cause
> rests solely with the Crown. 
> Section 7: Rights of Appeal
>    1.Every member of the populace shall have the right
> to appeal any decision to the appropriate superior
> officer and/or the
>      Crown. 
>    2.The chain of appeal shall be from the local
> officer, to the regional officer (if any), to the
> Kingdom officer, to the Crown, to the
>      corporate officer, and to the Board of Directors.
> The Appellant should direct their appeal to the level
> above the level issuing
>      the decision being appealed. Copies of the appeal
> must be sent to each of the intervening levels. 
>    3.Appeals must be in writing and delivered by
> registered mail or in person. 
>    4.Upon receipt by the appropriate officer or the
> Crown, the effective date of the appeal shall be the
> date mailed or date of
>      personal hand delivery. 
>    5.Within the Kingdom, the officer receiving the
> appeal has 30 days from the effective date of the
> appeal to act on the appeal. Any
>      officer that does not act on an appeal within 30
> days will be guilty of a violation of Kingdom Law,
> which will be grounds for
>      suspension from office 
>    6.Responses to appeals must be in writing and
> delivered in person or by registered mail. Copies of
> any appeal and any
>      response must be kept in the Kingdom files. 
>    7.If the Appellant does not receive a response to
> their appeal or receives a response upholding the
> appealed decision, they may
>      appeal to the next higher level. This process may
> be followed until all avenues of appeal are exhausted.
>    8.No appeal should be made outside of the Kingdom
> until all appeals within the Kingdom have been
> exhausted in accordance
>      with Kingdom Law, unless approved in writing by
> the Crown or the Kingdom Seneschal. 
>    9.Appeals made beyond the Kingdom level shall
> follow the procedures dictated by the Organizational
> Handbook of the Society
>      for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and by the
> dictates of the Corporate Officers and the Board of
> Directors. 

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