RF - Like sands through the hourglass . . .

Cathal SilAlmhain silalmhain at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 24 09:08:58 PDT 2001

So are the days of our lives.

I have just accepted an Assistant District Attorney's
position with Cameron County.  My start date is May

This no doubt comes as sudden news to many of you. 
For that I am sorry, but I am a person who is inclined
to say nothing until there is actually something to
say, as opposed to speculating about things endlessly
. . .

I will be moving down to Brownsville TX on the 19th of
May, although I will be making arrangements for the
move before then. 

This turn of events obviously has repercussions in
many venues.  I will be contacting many of you
individually as to specifics.

At this time I am re-opening applications for the
Herald's office.  I will be taking applications as I
am the acting Herald, but applications must be
forwarded to the regional coordinator and their
excellencies as well.  Note that while I have held
this job for little more than a month, I emphasize
that I had no idea the ADA position even existed--much
less that I would be selected for the job--when I
applied to be the herald.

Any replies to this PLEASE send to me directly,
instead of burdoning the list.  Note: to easily reply
directly to me, hit the "Forward" button instead of
the "reply" button, and then cut and paste my address
out of the email and into the address line.  This
works for everybody, and doesn't really take that much

More later

Cathal SilAlmhain
Title Bard of Graywood
Cadet to Don Zorcon

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