[Ravensfort] [ Ravensfort] Made the Grade

stdjan19@unxmail.shsu.edu stdjan19 at unxmail.shsu.edu
Tue Dec 18 06:34:44 PST 2001

Hey everybody its your friendly neighborhood newcomer. I wanted
everyone to know of my relief and happiness in regards to my grades.
I actually did it, I managed to swing a 2.5 GPA. I was so worried
that I wasn't going to make it and that I was going to lose my
student aid and not be able to come back next semester and I wouldn't
get to let yall beat me up anymore, heh heh heh. When I found out
that I made it I slept for two days.

Well I think that I have rambled on enough. I hope that everybody has
a very nice Christmas and I will see you all after the new year(huge
sigh of relief).

Alexander Navarre

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