[Ravensfort] Defender Feast

Carla Southern clarissima at excite.com
Fri Jul 13 14:50:37 PDT 2001


Well, giddy from the success of our first meeting, the cooks guild has
volunteered to do the feast for Defender.  Each dish will have a sponsor to
prepare the dish.  The following is the menu that was selected:

chilled fruits and cheeses

Honey ginger grilled chicken - Clarissima
lentil/bean salad

sorbet - Gwynn

Roast Beef
Green beans with garlic & parsley

We are trying to keep it light because of the heat.  If anyone would like to
volunteer to do a dish, please let me know by Monday.  If you have always
wanted to do a feast, but were wary of the responsiblity of the entire
feast, please volunteer to do one dish to get your feet wet!  Any "first
timers" will have plenty of experienced cooks to help.  We want to give
everyone the opportunity to contribute.  If you have any questions, please
contact me.


"If . . . you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a
horrible warning."
--Catherine Aird

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