[Ravensfort] Thoughts on the future...

iris2 at onramp.net iris2 at onramp.net
Wed Jul 11 15:28:05 PDT 2001

Well said, Kief.   I would only add that we should all show ourselves by our
actions.  We have all  made mistakes in the past ( I know that I sure have.) and
will probably make them in the future, but let us  all stand together truly.  We
can do this by our deeds and actions, for if we do not, then we are   empty.   I
have made my share and then some of errors and mistakes, but I , too, love my
Barony and to that end will try to reconstruct the damaged bridges and hopefully
help to build new and better ones.  What say you?

Jalali of Salamis, OL

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