[Ravensfort] Numbers...OOPs..they didn't....

Aedh Finn Mac Cormaic aodhfionn at unforgettable.com
Thu Sep 27 11:10:50 PDT 2001

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001 12:02:24 -0500, I read the following on a monolith signed by
L T:

><P>Looks like formatting numbers is not one of those things I'm going to be able to accomplish
><P>I've spent 3 hours of my precious time trying to get this stuff out to ya'll....not like ya'll
>give a damn...</P>
><P>If anyone wants the numbers...cause they really are interesting.....I'll have them at
><P>and they are interesting...in that we don't attend other groups events in near the quantities
>they attend ours...</P>
><P>and that we have a high attendance of non-members.....188 at the last event....</P>
><P>Lorraine </P>
><P>tired, hungry and still having to study for an interview tomorrow.....</P>

I always care about information, and I thank you for the attempt. :)  In fact,
would it be possible for you to privately email the original file in an
attachment?  I'll try my very best to make it to next populace, but my truck has
once again decided to be anti-social. *sigh*

I'm particularly interested in the large number of non-members and how many of
those are first timers.  For those that aren't first timers, I wonder why they
don't feel a desire to 'belong' (note the quotes) in that way.

Thanks in advance,

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