[Ravensfort] Amazing Opportunity!!

jacinth jacinth at mail.ev1.net
Wed Feb 6 11:20:01 PST 2002

Greetings, one and all!

I have been approached with a Wonderful Opportunity, and all you have to
do is show up!  Now, before you say you can't, or haven't got the time,
or wouldn't be caught dead doing that... give it a chance and see what
you are made of!

HL Signy has graciously volunteered to teach Dance on a weekly basis.
I know you are wondering... "how can I afford this?"  Normally, a
mundane dance class can cost you upwards of $25 a lesson, but this is
being offered to you ABSOLUTELY FREE of charge!!  Fantastic, isn't it?
So, what do you have to do?  Just show up!!

OK, so what is the catch?  No catch, however I would like to get a list
together of everyone who is interested.  It was suggested that we meet
every week on a Tuesday or Thursday, but seeing as we have populace and
officer's meetings on Thursday's, it looks like Tuesday is it.  The only
thing that can hold us up is a meeting place... we are currently looking
for a place with a large, carpetless floor to dance upon.... if someone
knows of a place, or is willing to open their home.... I will make it
worth their while (has anyone told you how good my cookies are? -- ok,
if I owe you cookies I'll bring some to populace).

Ok, maybe now you are thinking... "what does this get me?"  Well, let
me tell you....

1.  You get fantastic exercise... better than Denise Austin.
2.  You learn something that can show off at events. :)
3.  You support the SCA by maintaing our tax-exempt status (bet you
never thought of that!).
4.  You improve your balance and timing (yeah, it is even good for

With reasons like these, how can you not take advantage of this??

To conclude:
- Let me know if you are interested.
- If you know of a place good for dancing, tell me.

Warm Regards,

Minister of Arts & Sciences
Barony of Raven's Fort

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