[Ravensfort] Request for Celtic Links

Tuath na Ciarraide-Mactire tuathamactire at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 24 16:17:30 PST 2003

>From: L T <ldeerslayer at yahoo.com>

>In trying to research Celtic clothing for the event...I've run into a brick 
>All the links I had or could find for celtic clothing of around the 900's 
>no longer active...

I'll see what I can hammer together, but off the top of my head I can name 
some good sources, either SCA or other living-history groups we have dealt 

http://www.ironage.demon.co.uk/brigantia/kit_clothing.htm - Iron Age era, 
same as us, but the dress styles didn't change all that much between then 
and the 10th century

http://www.celticgarb.org/persona/inventory.html - an SCA site, again, same 
period as above, but with more SCA-specific info (and I like the way they do 
their encampments, too! :-) hehehe)

http://www.gallica.co.uk/celts/clothing.htm agus 
http://www.gallica.co.uk/celts/clothing2.htm - limited info, but usefull for 
comparisons and pics and such.

Hope that helps a bit


Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam

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