[Ravensfort] Service @ AAA

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 13 22:29:34 PDT 2004

I know a number of our members (and members of our camp) that did service at AAA...these are all I can recall at the moment...for anything I did not remember...please inform me...thanks
Lady Isobail did books for the gate...and taught a class...
HE Chrystal worked gate and set up and ran the Charter Painting ...
HE Brian brought up "Rosie" and the coolers (even though he had a full truck and trailer and this was his first time merchanting)
Lady Mirabilis and Kiwi did several fire spinning shows and helped take down camp...
Lady Katarina (Cami) cooked Guiniess roast and accessories for camp Saturday evening and helped run and set up camp even though she had to set up and run her own booth.
Lord Thorkin and his pages helped break down camp (he also ran a merchant booth)
Thomas the Unrepentant worked security Friday and Saturday ...
Lady Ophelia made breakfast Saturday morning and helped break down camp (even though she had a booth to help run)...
Lord Vinnie...helped take down camp...
m'lady Nichole and her friend helped clean, set up camp, take down camp, and worked security with Dolphin and other members of Kiersted...
Phillipe helped set up camp and take down camp
Lord Kaleb helped set up camp...
HL Dolfin and Sir Kief ran security...and were on from Wednesday to Sunday at noon...
HE Niklas organized and ran the radios and was likewise on from Wednesday to Sunday at noon...organized supper Friday night
HE Kezia helped set up banners in the hall, set up the list field pavillion, set up camp and washed the trays that we lent for feast...kept Niklas sane...orgnaized supper friday night
Me..."organized" and set up camp...troubleshot for many...helped Security...washed trays for feast...took down camp...set up list side pavilion...worked the Strawberry Party...cooked supper Wednesday and Thursday...
Lord Liam and Lady Moira brought food for breakfast on Saturday...
Lady Muirin...helped me with most every thing I did...cooked and bought stuff for breakfast Friday morning...washed trays...set up camp...worked the Strawberry party...helped take down camp...took down the list pavilion with the help of Thorkin's pages...and trouble shot things in camp...
HL Plachoya worked the Archery area...up to the point his lady fell ill from the heat...

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