[Ravensfort] Aug. 31, 04 Gate List Update

Mary R sirenssong at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 1 09:57:47 PDT 2004

I would be delighted to sit the 10pm to 1am shift with Lady Katrina Alyse Argo.  Sorry Lady Simon Orom..I have to work Saturday or I would have sat a shift with you as well.
In Service,
Lady Mary of Axefoot

sdwsdw30 <sdwsdw30 at totalzone.com> wrote:


4 - 7pm m'lord Erich & m'lady Love Full
7 - 10pm Lord Devin & Lady Simon Orom Full
10pm -1am Lady Katrina Alyse Argo & 1 spot open


1 - 4am Lady Simon Orom & 1 spot open
4 - 7am 2 spots open
7 - 10am Lady Clarissima & 1 spot open
10am -1pm 2 spots open
1pm - 4pm m'lord Erich & 1 spot open
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