[Ravensfort] Stargate Yule!

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 7 11:40:52 PST 2005

I plan on attending and eating feast.
  If for some reason I am not able to attend...I'll pass off the tablecloths to someone in my proximity.
  Last year we set up two tables at about noon...and ended up sharing with others
  by feast because several of our people did not stay till court.

fionna at cox.net wrote:  Stargate Yule is fast approaching!  It would be great if we all sat
together as a group and had the tables decorated in the baronial

First, some questions:
Who all is planning on attending so we can reserve appropriate 
table/seating space? 
Are you planning on eating feast? or bringing your own?
If you're not getting feast, do we want to make it a pot luck?
What table decorating ideas do you have?

Next, details about Stargate Yule:
Website: http://stargate.ansteorra.org/Yule05/index.htm
Synopsis: Stargate Yule will be held at the Resurrection Metropolitan
Church at 2025 W. 11th Street, Houston, TX

Site opens at 10:00am on Saturday, and closes that evening at 10:00p,

Site Fee: $10.00 for adults; $5.00 (ages 5-12); no charge under 5; $30
family max.  Feast Fee: $8.00 for adults; $5 (age 5-12); no charge
under 5.

Feast is limited and we ask all to pre-pay through ACCEPS, or you may
arrange pre-payment by cash or check by contact the Stargate Yule
Feast Reservation e-mail (StargateYule2005 at yahoo.com), or at the
December Stargate Populace Meeting.  Make checks payable to SCA Inc.,
Barony of the Stargate.  Non-members, $3 additional surcharge.

No pets except service animals.  Minors must be accompanied by a
parent or legal guardian, or by a 21-year-old ot older adults with a
signed and notarized Minor Waiver Form from the parents.

And an additional note, the site is *dry*.

Please contact any one of us with your ideas, suggestions, and if you
will be able to make it! 
Gregor & Catherine
(kclement at verizon.net & barb at tamu.edu) 
Brian & Fionna
(cobalt60 at consolidated.net & fionna at cox.net)

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