[Ravensfort] [Fwd: Large SCA Demo in Houston]

Shane Wallace sdwsdw30 at totalzone.com
Tue Jul 5 15:02:33 PDT 2005

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Large SCA Demo in Houston
Date: 	Tue, 5 Jul 2005 16:19:51 -0500
From: 	Kathryn Norris <knorris at merchantsmetals.com>
To: 	Several

Greetings, gentles.  Please send this out to the groups in your region, 
especially to the Seneschals and Hospitalers.   
We have supported two weekends for this demo and would great appreciate 
your participation for the last weekend, August 27-27.   We need 
fighters (both heavy and light), artisans, dancers, bards, etc.  In 
other words, everyone!   

The Museum of Natural Science in Houston, TX has requested the presence 
of the SCA to host a demo at their museum.  Our demo will be coinciding 
with their exhibit for the Lord of the Rings movie.  We will be separate 
from their exhibit and the musuem would like us to show the historical 
references that Tolkien used as a starting point for his fantasy 
novels.  We have an indoor hall and the front grounds area of the 
museum.  They have even requested a trebuchet demostration on the front 
wall of the museum!  They are very excited about having us and hope you 
will be too.

As this is an SCA demo, we are hoping to get a lot of interested people 
who would like to find out more about the SCA.  Since this should be a 
large demo and attract people throughout the area, we would like to 
encourage your group to do a few things:

   1. First and foremost, let your group know about this demo.  We want
      to encourage all SCA groups in the area to come out and show off
      your stuff.  Please contact the coordinator if you have an
      interest in a certain area.
   2. Second, please send us flyers with your group's contact and
      meeting information.  When we find someone in your area who is
      interested in the SCA, we will be able to give them your
      information, as well as try to sign them up so you can contact
      them directly. 
   3. Send me  your  email address, one  which can accept large files. 
      At the end of each weekend, I will scan the contact information
      for those who have signed up and send it to you.  Rather than try
      to break it down by location, I will be sending you an Adobe
      Acrobat (.pdf) file so that you can see who is asking for more
      information.  You can contact me at kati at houston.rr.com
      <mailto:kati at houston.rr.com>.

Our website for more information is: http://stargatelotrdemo.tripod.com/
Many thanks,

HL Caitlin bean Ghearailt

Seneschal of the Stargate

Barony of Ansteorra

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