[Ravensfort] GUIDO da VIGEVANO

David R. Hoffpauir env_drh at shsu.edu
Wed Mar 30 07:12:50 PST 2005


In today's edition, I see some familiar parallels between "our" notion of fighting a war in some far off land and the medieval notion.  Yeah, I know.  It's the overactive imagination and too many trips to Pennsic or Gulf War with a load of war supplies in tow.  Oh well, at least our Medieval counterparts didn't have to go through Arkansas.  Talk about high adventure!  I saw Kief clear an entire east-bound freeway once!  :)

I'm finding that Dr. Lienhard likes to go back and revisit subjects from time to time in light of new evidence or new directions in his thoughts.  Such is the case with the two episodes above.  In essense they are the same, but the second offers some new insights in a revised edition.

take a listen.

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