[Ravensfort] Demo Report - RF Kingdom of Heaven

Berta Allen bertasdragonfly at yahoo.com
Thu May 12 10:06:04 PDT 2005

Greetings to the List!
Just a note to inform the Populace that the demo at The Woodlands, Tinseltown Theatre for the movie 'Kingdom of Heaven', Saturday, May 7, 2005 went very well. There were six-1/2 of us* in attendance. Three interested patrons signed the contact sheet (Erich, I will send the info to you by email). Even though we didn't have the 55 people in attendance as it was reported to me regarding the demo for the movie that was held in the Loch (Clear Lake, TX), we all enjoyed ourselves just the same & were very informative & helpful to anyone passing by to curiously ask what we were & did. It was actually a slow Saturday for the Theatre, so it just wasn't because of 'us' being there. 
The theatre took pictures of us to show that we were there for the movie advertising. Ldy Mirabelis, maybe you could contact the theatre to ask for copies of the pictures for our local historian office (HE Brian is the local historian)??? (Please contact me privately & we can work from there).
We handed out flyers, spoke with many interested individuals inquiring what we were doing there & turned many heads in the process. Ldy Mirabelis & Michele the Devine danced, drummed, spun poi, colorfull silk ribbons & veils. Since we had no fighters, they were the main 'flash & flare' for attention. Mistress Lorraine worked on some sewing, M'lady Emma & myself worked on some lucet looms, & everyone traded off in keeping up with/track of little Amelia... & what a wonderful handful she is!
Afterwards, the majority of us went to have dinner at 'Sweet Tomatoes' (good food too!)
Many thank you's to Ldy Mirabelis who set this demo up for us to do & to Mr. Vern Beard of Tinsletown Theatre who allowed the SCA to be there!
*Mistress Lorraine Deerslayer (RF)
  HE Brian Du Val (RF)
  1/2= Amelia Du Val (RF)
  Ldy Mirabelis Genevah Zabaneh (RF)
  Michele the Devine (RF)
  Emma Greene (Gates Edge)

  HE Chrystal Ariana MacRuari (RF)
There will be two movies opening at future dates we may want to consider demo-ing:
'The New America' (with Colin Ferral) opening ? & 'Zorro II' in October 2005 - 
just an idea to consider...
HE Chrystal Ariana MacRuari
Demo Steward for Kingdom of Heaven

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