[Ravensfort] Pennsic report, Sunday the 13th

Barb Corbisier barb at tamu.edu
Mon Aug 14 20:44:33 PDT 2006

Ansteorra is a long way from Aethelmearc.  I mean, it's easy to throw 
around numbers like 1,300 some-odd miles, but it's a much different 
concept to have to actually traverse them.

We had grand plans to get going on Thursday, but didn't actually get on 
the road until Friday.  We drove, and drove, and drove, etc., etc., 
until Gregor and I were ready to collapse.  We thought we'd be able to 
do a marathon 24-hour driving session.  Yeah, stupid, I know.

We got a motel room Saturday afternoon, and then continued on through 
Saturday night.  That got us to Cooper's Lake Sunday around 1:00 p.m. so 
we didn't have to set up in the dark.  Friends helped us set up, and we 
were good to go in a few hours. Unfortunately, we arrived too late for 
our friends' wedding and opening ceremonies.

After a well-deserved sit and a good spaghetti dinner from the 
encampment kitchen, we took a tour around the merchants.  I was able to 
track down Mistress Lorraine in Ansteorra Royal, and finally was able to 
introduce some of my East Kingdom friends to a good Ansteorra friend.  
The introduction was made all the more interesting by the fact that 
Lorraine was about to take a shower and was wearing, um, not a whole 
lot.  No, no, she wasn't naked!  You people have such dirty minds!  It 
was more like a short sleeveless tunic.  But I digress....

Around 9:00 pm we went on a candlelight memorial walk around the site in 
honor of my Laurel, Mistress Roen, who died in March, and another woman 
who I unfortunately never got to meet.  I managed to avoid crying for 
the most part, and everyone we encountered had kind words as we went 
by.  Afterwards, we all shared some favorite memories.  Roen introduced 
me to the wonders of the Hampster Dance, was an accomplished fencer, a 
lacemaker, a costume designer, a Laurel, a Baroness of the court of the 
Middle, and a wonderful wife, mother, and friend.  And feel free to ask 
me about ball fringe.  It's worth it, trust me.

At that point, Gregor and I were completely exhausted and went to sleep 

Thus ends the report for Sunday.

In service,
THL Catherine Barbary

P.S.  Devin, feel free to put all my Pennsic Reports in the Quoth.

***Sent via Sidekick II***

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