[Ravensfort] populace

Shane Wallace sdwsdw at cox.net
Wed Aug 2 16:26:20 PDT 2006

Greetings to all,

I look forward to see you all at populace tomorrow (thursday, august
03). I will be bring a sample of the feast tokens, each and everyone
will unique in a red, white, and black Raven's Fort color scheme.
Question, does anyone in the Barony do glass etching?

In Service,
Lord Malcolm

Ed wrote:

> Attention Good people of the Barony,
> It has been brought to my attention that some people are have ing 
> problems posting ti the list if this occurs please let me know and I 
> will see what I can do to fix this.
> In Service to All,
> Lord Erich Rabe
> List Owner
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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