[Ravensfort] Pennsic report-Tuesday

Berta Allen bertasdragonfly at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 18 10:14:42 PDT 2006

Too cool!!! Keep up the 'reports from Pennsic' please.
  (It's been 10 years since I've been...)
  Were you able to take any pictures or obtain any scribal handouts? (just curious...)
  What does your 'motto' say & mean in english?
  "Scintillosa est bona." 
  (never had Latin & I actually have a latin dictionary at home... go figure!)

Barb Corbisier <barb at tamu.edu> wrote:
  Tuesday morning was devoted to getting meds for Gregor 'cause he had 
forgotten them back in Ansteorra. Oops. His doctor had called in a 
week-long prescription that we needed to pick up. So a run into the real 
world was necessary.

Before we left, we stopped by a chair merchant, New World Treasures, to 
see if we could trade our chairs. I bought two wooden folding chairs on 
ebay some months ago. They looked great on-line. However, you may have 
noticed that Gregor and I are not small individuals, and these chairs 
were made for people who are much shorter and narrower than we are. 
Fortunately, the proprietor had no problem with a trade, so we dropped 
off the smaller chairs while we had the vehicle out of the parking lot 
and wouldn't have to carry them all the way from our camp.

A short air-conditioned ride got us to the grocery store & pharmacy, 
where we picked up meds and some other camp necessities like cookies and 
hazelnut coffee.

That bit of business taken care of, Gregor headed to Heralds' Point 
while I went to the Known World Scribal tea. I had a great time admiring 
the portfolios of amazing scribes from around the known world, and got 
some great feedback and constructive criticism from Master John 
Blaecstan, an East Kingdom calligraphy & illumination laurel now living 
in Aethelmearc. There was an amazing subtletie which was a cake 
decorated to look like an illuminated page in the "squashed bug" style, 
complete with a marzipan fly and edible gold! Mistress Hillary 
Greenslade was also in attendance, and seemed to be enjoying herself 
talking shop with fellow scribes.

After the tea, I headed over to Heralds' Point to meet up with Gregor. 
The consulting heralds had helped him come up with a device. Of course 
it has a pun. Sigh.

>From device consultation, he moved on to name consultation, and I went 
to get him a cold drink. I have to say that the heralds at Pennsic know 
their stuff, because by the time I got back, documentation for his name 
was pretty much set.

Following a tip from one of the heralds, we then went on a quest to find 
someone who could translate my motto into Latin. An hour later, I could 
proudly say, "Scintillosa est bona." I then dragged Gregor to a 
merchant to have my motto put onto a belt so I could have it with me 

As it was then late afternoon, we headed back to camp for veggie burgers 
and much-needed showers. We had a bardic circle in our encampment in the 
evening, and of course Gregor entertained with a number of stories. Syr 
Kai Maclain, former Baron Bergental, chose to take on a squire that 
evening, and we were priviledged to witness the ceremony. Stories, 
songs, and poems continued into the wee hours of the morning.

Thus ends the report for Tuesday.

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