[Ravensfort] List Rules Reminder

Ed erichrabe at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 3 06:23:11 PDT 2006

General use guidelines for the Raven's Fort list


1) This list is to be used for Raven's Fort

information. This list was not intended for personal

issues or issues regarding other organizations aside

from the SCA. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself

before you post: There are 78 or so people that are

subscribed to this list, do you want all of them to

know this information? Is this related to RF or SCA,

i.e. demos, fighter practice, guild meetings, and things

of this nature? Could this statement be interpreted

as sarcastic, snide, vulgar or rude?


Airing personal issues such as grudges, etc will

not be tolerated. The following is the revised policy

Effective April 9, 2002. It will be re-posted monthly

so everyone is very clear about the consequences. The

easiest way to avoid this is

 discretion, if someone

attacks you, wait. Do not reply, I know this is hard,

but that means the person who initiated the attack is

the only one with repercussions.


This policy applies to personal drama and slander.

a) First incident: If an individual submits an

objectionable post, they and anyone who responds

will be publicly warned on the list.


b) Second incident: This is progressive, 1hr or 6

months, it

 doesn't matter. If the exchange begins

again, or the same person begins a new incident, they

are off of the list for 30 days. This also applies

to anyone who posts more than one reply before I can

warn him or her.


c) Third incident: This also is progressive. Same

situation as above, off for 60 days.


d) Fourth incident: This is also progressive. Same

situation as above, off permanently.


There is also another situation that will get a member

removed from the list permanently, with NO WARNING. If

you make terroristic threats, which include any

kind of bodily harm, you will be removed and not

allowed back on the list. I think everyone on this

list is an adult and knows the difference between

good-natured fighter threats (Death to Trimaris! and

fighter practice references) and actual threats.


I hope I have made this very clear. I don't have


intention of being a censor or judge for this list; my

expectation is that EVERYONE in this Barony is mature

and intelligent enough to abide by these simple rules.

Don't be ugly to each other. That's it. And if you

feel compelled to be ugly, do it in private. That's

not cowardly, that's being honorable and dealing with

your personal life in a manner in which people can

respect you. I'm not asking everyone to be best

friends, just don't air dirty laundry on the list.


Everyone needs to remember that this list is a

privilege, not a right. If anyone has any questions

or would like to discuss this e-mail, please contact
 List Administrator
 Lord Erich Rabe
 All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.
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