[Ravensfort] Fwd: Gate! Gate!

Ed erichrabe at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 6 03:54:08 PDT 2006

Not sure why this did not go through but here it is:

Subject: Gate! Gate! 

Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 14:15:38 -0500 

From:"EPPS, DAVID C" <ICC_DCE at shsu.edu> 

To:ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org


I would once again like to thank everyone who has already signed up to

sit gate.


It is a requirement for anyone sitting gate to have had the gate

training within the last year. 


I still need people the sit gate from 4 AM to 7AM.  Please HELP! 


Here is the Gate List as it stands.  I will remind every one that I 


four people on the list currently who I know have not completed the

required training for sitting gate.   If they do not complete the

training I will have to remove them from the list.  I will encourage

everyone to take the training even if you do not sit gate for this



As an added incentive Musashi no Domai ( Kitsune) will be making

individual servings of quiche as a snack for all who sit gate this 


Additionally I will provide soft drinks.


Friday 15


4 PM - 7 PM    Ldy Love of Halesworth

                       Ld Malcom de Crawford


7 PM - 10 PM   Ld Devin O'Donnabhain

                        Robin & Caihgad Hoffman


10 PM - 1 AM    Ld Alric Sweinbrothar

                        Ld Vladamir Carpotts


Saturday 16


1 AM - 4AM      Ld Marius Atreadae

                        HE Musashi no Domai


4 AM - 7 AM     __________________________________



7 AM - 10 AM    HE David St David

                         Ldy Mirabelis Genevah Zabaneh


10 AM - 1 PM    Ld Devin O'Donnabhain

                         Ldy Mirabelis Genevah Zabaneh


1 PM - 4 PM      Ld Erich Rabe

                         Ld Malcolm de Crawford


Once again, Thank you all.  Zorcon
Stay in the know. Pulse on the new Yahoo.com.  Check it out. 
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