[Ravensfort] Raven's Fort e-mail list

Dominique Epps blueingreen at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 23 15:37:08 PDT 2007

Please explain, my vocabulary seems to be lacking.  I found it neither in my Webster"s Third New International Dictionary nor in my Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English language.  So I'm a little confused...
Maybe a misspelling?

John Reuter <brian_the_french_norman at yahoo.com> wrote: Brian and I have no comments regarding any messages on
the Raven's Fort e-mail list.  The Raven's Fort e-mail
list, is not in any jurisdicion of the SCA, it is
under the perview of the list owner only. 

In Service to the Barony of Raven's Fort, 
Baroness Fionna ni Cheallaigh, OL 
w/ Baron Brian's knowledge and input 
Ravensfort mailing list
Ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org

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