[Ravensfort] Blue Moon over Site Work

byzytym byzytym at charter.net
Sun Jul 1 21:31:12 PDT 2007

Yes, many thanks to Saint David.  His house is now warmed by the Blue Moon.  The burning of the village of Ames Dunum has purged it's malevolent spirits which were seen vaporizing in flames or scurrying up and down Four Notch Road in fear, panic and confusion.  The village now sleeps, waiting to once again be awakened by the call of the good people of Raven's Fort.  The daily rains we have received kept the fire danger down near zero, but the sky cleared off in time for a peaceful view of the full moon over misty fields.  The strumming of acoustic guitars and the beating of drums completed a wonderful evening of camaraderie and good will. I saw faces that have been MIA for quite sometime.  The Barony is definitely growing stronger.  Again, many thanks to Saint David for such a beautiful and welcoming place to gather.  

I do not believe that there will be any shortage of volunteers for Defender of the Fort.  The people that I've talked to are ready, willing and able.  Saint David of the Tractor and I are planning to use his uncle's brush-hog to do on site mowing as well.  With three tractors going it should make short work of it.  

The stone circle is in very bad disrepair.  Almost all of the capstones are on the ground, while the upright stones bulge out at odd, misshaped angles.  I believe that one of the trilithons stones has actually broken in two and I've been told that one of the lay-line stones is missing altogether.  A sad testament to the site that was once at the heart of activities in this Barony.  Perhaps the one workday we are allowed for this event will be enough to make The Stones presentable for our guest.

With two and a half months to go before the event there is much off site work to do as well.  But that is a good thing.  It means that we will be able to share more good times as we make site tokens, do a road cleanup and a list of other pre-event must dos.  We are all behind you Alaric.  Lead on brother.


"what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul ?"

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dan Smith Jr 
  To: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 12:45 PM
  Subject: [Ravensfort] Blue Moon over Site Work

  Thanks for all that attended the Blue Moon.  There was plenty of food and fun to go around.

  Thank you DSD for hosting.  Your hospitality was greatly appreciated.

  There is alot of work to be done on the site, but nothing that seems out of the ordinary.  Kief's offer of mowing is appreciated, as always.  We have another brush-hog ready to help as well, as Pache' offered his aid.  There are the typical ants and wasps to combat.  Limbs to be gathered (before the mowing would be most useful).  A few of the larger boughs might need cutting first.  We mentioned cleaning up the clutter around the kitchen, as well as a fresh coat of paint there and on the storage unit.  We will discuss days / times at the July populace.

  Trial Balloon :
  Tareija wants to spearhead a crew to clean up the litter from the train tracks to the troll booth (or gate if we do it on a day we can't get on site).  Having a scenic road to ride in on helps set the mood for many of us.

  Thanks everyone,   Alaric


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