[Ravensfort] Red Tape made easy

byzytym byzytym at charter.net
Sun Jul 15 09:46:21 PDT 2007


I just wanted to drop a line to tell you what a great job y'all did this weekend in The Shadowlands with Red Tape.  It seemed that everything ran smooth as velvet and the food was diverse and tasty.  (oh my god the mushroom quiche)  I did not hear one complaint all day.  In fact I heard what a nice facility it was / how convenient the classrooms were to each other and the food / how helpful the overhead projectors were for display / how easy the couches and tables right outside the classrooms made side meetings / how cool it was that movies were playing to entertain the "tag alongs" / etc...     Very nice job.  I hope you can host again.

In service to the Crown,
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