[Ravensfort] Blue Moon List........

HerrDetlef at aol.com HerrDetlef at aol.com
Thu Jun 21 07:38:55 PDT 2007

And Detlef too.  I need to find a copy of Tacitus' Annals at SHSU, so I'm 
gonna kill two birds with one stone.
Ewwwww....that metaphor doesn't work very well (I guess you could say it 
doesn't FLY) in Raven's Fort.
How about kill one bird and hug the other? :-)
In a message dated 6/21/2007 8:40:09 AM Central Daylight Time, 
iris20 at sbcglobal.net writes:

Please add Latham and Jalali to that list.......


> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 14:29:25 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Brown 
> Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] News Flash!  Blue Moon!
>     ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
>    Here is the list I have so far. Please heed the
> Lord of the Manors request and let us know if you be
> a coming . Bring drinks and stuff for tons o' fun.
> Devin
>             Blue Moon Head Count
>   David St. David
>   Zorcon
>   Kitsune
>   Devin
>   Marius
>   Love
>   Alaric
>   Angus
>   Mary  
>   Brian
>   Ayla
>   Malcolm
>   Fionna
>   Ivan
> Crystal


Indicabo tibi, o homo, quid sit bonum 
et quid Dominus requirat a te, 
utique facere iudicium, 
et diligere misericordiam, 
et solicitum ambulare cum Deo tuo. 
Micah 6:8

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