[Ravensfort] Defender Report - Long

m meaux m_meaux05 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 16 17:08:36 PDT 2007


First, I would like to thank all of those people that worked to hard to make this Defender of the Fort one of the most memorable.

My most heartfelt thanks to Lord Alaric, Lady Tareija, Lord Angus (I know I spelled it wrong, sorry), Lord Gundy, and Lord Sigurd for bringing the Barony back to it's roots and giving us a ROCKIN event!!

Now, I would like to take up a few moments of your time and share the Event as I experienced it.

We arrived on site Friday afternoon and began to set up camp, only to find that our tent was missing 2 poles.  We believe this is due to the rush to leave site from attending a previous event in other lands.  Alas!  What were we to do?  Fortunately m'lady Cheer arrived with a brand new tent!  At once, we began to set up this new and wonderous contraption (much better than the one we had brought even if ours had been complete with all poles).  It was after dark when we finished and my shift for Gate was fast approaching.

Hot, tired and hungry..I realized I had to make a trip back to our homestead.  My shift was due to begin in 30 minutes.  Again saved by Don Zorcon who graciously covered the first few minutes of my shift that I missed.  I enjoyed my shift with Kitsune immensely.  I saw many faces that I have not seen in years.  The time passed quickly and before I knew it, our relief arrived.

I made my way back to camp and proceeded to fall fast asleep.

When the sun had risen and my fast was broken,  I made my way to the Children's area to set up for the activities to be held after morning Court.

During the Morning Court the competitions we outlined.  The Order of the Raven's Heart was called into Court to award 2 Feathers of Honor.  One went to Lord Pace Fiero daSousa and the other one went to Lady Giovanna Lena Caronna.  There was much rejoicing as they are well loved in this Barony and work hard in everything they do to further improve our Barony.

Then, the Order of the Raven was called.  Three new member were inducted into the Order.  HL Catherine Barbary, Lord Gregor Elfingstone, and Lord Ivan Ivanovich Ezhov.  All of whom work tirelessly for the Barony and were derserving of such Honor.  The Order of the Raven was then closed to be re-opened if needed at a later time.

When morning Court was finished, I headed back to the playground area and opened the Children's Activities.  These went on for a couple of hours.  The children seemed to enjoy the painting contest.  They also attempted to build a castle.  There were games of chess and a general use of the playground equipment.  HE Fionna and Lord Gregor were gracious enough to act as Judges for the painting contest and 1st place went to young Liam for his use of shading and blending paints (son of Lord Lochlann).  Keep your eye on that young man as he shows much promise in the Scribal Arts.

I took the following time as quiet reflection and rested.  I was delighted to see Lady Sabine and Lord Hugh from Gate's Edge with their new son, Noah.  I spent the remainder of the afternoon playing with the new addition and visiting with good friends.

After a refreshing shower in the waterfalls at Lady Jane's, I returned in time for feast.  Now, I must say..if you did not eat feast, you are a fool!  Lord Sigurd made the best feast I have had in many years.  His meats were tender and tasty.  The vegetable skewers had the most  amazing flavor.  Cheese and bread were good, but the honey butter made  of the perfect blend was what melted my heart.  There was a bean soup that  was served and enjoyed.  Now, I am telling you!  Desert!  Oh, MY GOD!  The shortbread cookies with nuts and fruit were so scrumptious, that I had to eat them and begged for more.  Now, I beg for the recipe!

Lord Sigurd also made this Baronial Guard member most grateful for allowing us time to eat before our duty called us into Court.

Evening Court.  Hmmm.  There was so much that happened, I could not begin to regale you with it's entirety.  However, I am most proud of my Lord Jean-Michel de Meaux for winning the Artisan of the Fort and also receiving his Craftsman of the Fort award.  If you did not see his display, it was of a sea-faring nature and had too many pieces for me to name.

When Court was finished, there was drumming, dancing and revelry down at the Swein Camp.  Their hospitality was overwhelming.

At last, I retired to bed.

Hope you enjoyed it!

In service,
Lady Mary of Axefoot

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