[Ravensfort] Minister of Children position

m meaux m_meaux05 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 19 17:48:18 PDT 2007

Unto the Populace of Raven's Fort!

As was announced at the August populace, I am resigning from the position of Minister of Children.  It is time for me to let others enjoy the company of the children.   I have truly enjoyed holding this position and recommend all that are able to apply.

All applications need to be sent to the Kingdom MoC, Baron & Baroness, and the Seneschal.  You may send me a copy if you wish, whether for support or with questions.  It is my intent to announce the new Minister of Children at the November populace.

Please be advised, that if there are no applications, this position will remain vacant.

It has been an Honor to have been entrusted with your children.  They have taught me many things over the years.  May they be as enlightening to the next MoC.

In service to the Barony,
Lady Mary of Axefoot

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