[Ravensfort] Sanford and Sunday

Dominique Epps blueingreen at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 22 18:12:39 PDT 2007

Ah Yes!   You see I have this evil plan:  I'm currently babysitting this great big pot of veggie stew for Couscous so that the only thing left to do tomorrow is re-heating.....  So if we're done early at the site we can eat early too.
I know, it's devious.....
See ya tomorrow!

byzytym <byzytym at charter.net> wrote:       We'll miss you.  Dom and I have  already started conspiring.  It will depend on how many want to play.   No matter, it's all good.
 "what shall it profit a man,
 if he shall gain the whole world,
 and lose his own soul ?"

    ----- Original Message ----- 
   From:    Dan    Smith Jr 
   To: byzytym ; ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org    
   Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 10:37    AM
   Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] Sanford and    Sunday

   I don't know if we'll be able to do supper on    Sunday.  Trisha works that evening so we will most likely try to be home    relatively early.  This doesn't totally rule it out, it would just need    to be kinda early (we'd like to be homeward bound around 6pm).
        ----- Original Message ----- 
     From:      byzytym      
     To: Dan Smith Jr ; ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org      
     Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 6:11      PM
     Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] Sanford and      Sunday

     Perhaps we can do some sort of      meal after ???
     "what shall it profit a man,
     if he shall gain the whole      world,
     and lose his own soul ?"

            ----- Original Message ----- 
       From:        Dan        Smith Jr 
       To: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org        
       Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 2:12        PM
       Subject: [Ravensfort] Sanford and        Sunday

       "Sanford and Son"-day.   Get it        ?!?!   Wha  Whaaaaaaa...
         Although the event is over, there are        a couple of jobs left to be done.  While I disposed of the trashbags        / bins remaining on site, I did not take the time to police the area for        small trash (i.e. bottle caps, cigarette butts).  This coming Sunday        I will return to the site and do this.  The main areas are the        kitchen / feast area and Sweinhold, although I will expand the search        to all visited areas.  This will be low-impact work in the shade        (I'll handle the list field, archery, and other sunny areas).  You        will want to bring some gloves (butts are gross) and drinking        water.
         We can also use this opportunity to        "batten down the hatches" and prepare our stored goods for the winter        months ahead.  We need to figure out a way to protect our 2 remaining        tents from the rats and wasps that destroyed several of our        canvases.  We also need to cycle through the wood and pull out any        rotted pieces (as they promote rot in other adjacent boards/poles) as well        as destroy the black ants that have taken residence there.
         I will arrive on site by noon        (probably after 11am) on Sunday, Sept. 23rd.  I hope to see you        all there!
       Thanks.  Alaric

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