[Ravensfort] Mighty Minds Unite!

Sher M runa.herd at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 11 08:44:45 PDT 2008

I have a couple of battery operated lanterns that I was going to volunteer.  No fire hazard with them.

Best time to attack bees that are aggressive is at night.  Trust me on this one.  It took like 5 cans of spray and still didn't get all of them.  I finally snuck out to the ground hive one night and poured gasoline on the buggers and lit it the next morning.  They almost put my son in the hospital.  All you had to do was walk within 6 feet of them and they boiled out of the ground seeking a target.  They got the kid and the dog.

I plan on being at the next work weekend.  %$)#& arm will be 'healed' by then.

Sher Montgomery & The Thundering Herd
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: byzytym 
  To: lddevin03 at yahoo.com ; Ravens Fort ; Sher M 
  Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 1:05 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] Mighty Minds Unite!

  Actually, about half of the path is already gone. 
   On Saturday I cleared brush, lemon trees and saplings from at least half of the wooded area between the stables and the kitchen.  The area is ready for brushhogin' and then the lawn mower.  By the end of the next work weekend I hope to have the other half done as well leaving nothing but the tall pines between the road and the path.  ( which will no longer be a path )  It is a sweet little camping area that is shady all day.
  Since the Equestrians will be camping in the area I do not believe that lights will be necessary except in the very small clump I left on the kitchen side for a little privacy and a noise buffer.  
  The string lights would be very useful wrapped around a tree or three at the entry gate.  It can be tough backing up in the dark in that area. 

  WARNING !!!  There is a large ground nest of bumblebees in the Equestrian camping area.  It is near what looks to be a 12x12x24 chunk of treated lumber.  I was stung seven or eight times around five on Saturday and my arms and cheek are still swollen as of this writing Monday morning.  These bees are the big bad boys.  They attack in mass ( maybe twenty ) and are quick enough to dodge and strike.  I plan on decking out in my bee net helm, thick winter coat, double jeans, leather gloves and boots so I can seek revenge on those little &#<%*/$ next work day.

  Speaking of lights... We will need four or five Coleman lanterns for the event.  
  I want to take advantage of the pine trees around the feast area.  They are tall enough for us to throw ropes over the branches and lift lanterns high enough to not be in anyone's eyes, but throw a soft light over everything.
  I have one propane lantern we can use.  If we can borrow a few others, the Barony will buy the fuel we use.

  I am really hoping that we have a good turnout next weekend for the workdays as I would like to start moving things around to where they will be for the event.  I remember last year when Alaric Autocrated we had  a work day or two when moving things was easy because we had more than enough people to do the jobs.

  Anyway, that's the Autocrats two cents. 

  Vlod NotVlad
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