[Ravensfort] Aug. 31, not the 30th. a work day

Gary Pace gpace77586 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 24 07:20:27 PDT 2008

Congratulations on the great work day.
 I offered to bring the tractor down on  Aug. 30, as it was posted for the purpose of clearing brush etc. However, now that the date is Sunday the 31st., when Carolyn and I will be preparing to once again go to Dallas, in the afternoon and Monday Sept. 1, to help our son move into a new rental house before college begins, I will not be able to mow.  I will go back to the original plan and wait until the two work weekends in Sept. to haul the tractor down. (My final decision on the matter.) Does anyone else closer to Huntsville have access to a tractor?  Also, their are only two people signed up for serving feast. We still need 12 more. 
Have a nice week.


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