[Ravensfort] site rules

byzytym byzytym at att.net
Sat Jun 14 10:37:02 PDT 2008

I would like to make a statement strictly as an individual and a long time member of the Barony of Raven's Fort.  

I feel that the land agent over stepped reason when making up his arbitrary rules when it comes to on site taverns.  The rules seem to be directed at specific individuals for personal reasons, rather than to correct any problems that has arisen in the past or any breach of SCA or mundane law or any request that the land owners themselves have made.  Of course, we have no way to know the desires of the land owners since the SCA has never been allowed to deal directly with the land owners.  The imbalance of the site rule policy is notably demonstrated by the fact that in the same period of time: the old Raven's Fort Tavern was forcibly evicted (for fabricated infractions) by the land agent, the current site rules were issued by the land agent and the on site "Mead Hall" was built by the land agent.   I will not presume to suggest a solution to this dilemma of secrecy and whim.  Perhaps the officers of the Barony can facilitate a return to a fair site policy that embraces the true spirit of our society.  

That said, the Autocrat of the Defender of the Fort event shall enforce what ever is handed up from the site rule dictator no matter how calculated.  


"what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul ?"

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: byzytym 
  To: byzytym ; doug bell ; ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org 
  Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 11:09 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] site rules

  If the rules are not updated this is the most resent version that we will go with for Defender.  There will be an Autocrat's amendment added.


  "what shall it profit a man,
  if he shall gain the whole world,
  and lose his own soul ?"





  This is working Ranch and hunting lease. If you open a gate,
  close it behind you. Do not agitate any livestock. Do not kill or
  attempt to kill any wild animals. Do not cut down any live trees
  or their limbs. Do not use nails, bolts, hooks, wire, etc, in any

  Do not cross fence lines onto any neighbor's property.

  Do not leave small children unattended or sleeping in a tent
  without trustworthy supervision.

  All pet mammals must have current written proof of rabies
  vaccination. Leashes please, no pets shall be allowed to "run

  All horses must have current written proof of negative Coggins

  NO FIRE-PITS are allowed. Fires on the surface, fire-mounds,
  fire-rings, and enclosed fireplaces are allowed. Fire-rings and
  enclosed fireplaces must be movable. If there is a hole or pit in
  your camp, fill it in.

  Deadfall, fallen limbs/trees, may be gleaned anywhere on site.
  However, the bonfire stack, the kitchen woodpile, and any
  "private" camp woodpiles are private use only.

  All woodpiles must be neatly stacked between two trees or posts,
  on a rack and off the ground. Use bricks, concrete blocks, or
  treated timbers to elevate your woodpile. This helps discourage
  vermin and rot.

  Absolutely NO cans, bottles, or other non-combustibles are to be
  put in fires. Do NOT burn plastics or other objects that produce
  toxic smoke.

  Excessively large fires in campsites are not allowed.
  "Excessively large" means a stack of firewood wider than four
  feet (4’) and higher than three feet (3’).

  A minimum of four feet (4’) of cleared space is required around
  fire area, unless you have an enclosed fireplace.

  All tiki type torches need to be placed a minimum of three "3
  feet beyond their "falling distance" to the nearest tent.

  No unattended candles or other sources of flame in tents.

  A fire extinguisher or equivalent must be in camp and in plain
  sight, if you have a fire. Equivalent means a minimum of a shovel
  and a bucket or container (minimum 5 gallons) of sand or water.

  In *dry weather* FIRES ARE NOT PERMITTED without permission of
  the Land Liaison.

  it in...haul it out.



  "Raven's Fort Commons" consists of, but is not limited to, the
  following locations and the area surrounding them: List Field,
  Kitchen / Storeroom, Merchant / Tavern, Feast, Court, Baronial
  Tents, Bonfire, RF Central, Gatekeeper.

  Merchants, including Tavernkeepers, shall set up their facilities
  in the area within Raven's Fort Commons set aside for that
  purpose. Merchant spaces are "first come - first served" unless
  prior arrangements are made.

  Taverns will not serve alcohol. Taverns may serve food and
  non-alcoholic drink only. Operating hours for Taverns are between
  6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Merchants and Tavernkeepers camping in
  Raven's Fort Commons shall not host overly large or "come one -
  come all" type revels.

  All Taverns must be temporary. There will no longer be any
  permanent "private" Tavern site on the Dorrell Ranch. No one will
  be allowed to set up a "private camp" with the sole or majority
  purpose of having a "private" Tavern.

  Large gatherings may be hosted in the "private" campsites of
  individuals or Households. All gatherings where alcohol is served
  shall strictly comply with the rules of the SCA, Inc. the laws of
  the State of Texas, and of the United States.

  Alcohol may *only* be given away by individuals or households in
  the confines of their "private" campsites. Absolutely no money
  will change hands before, during, or after the gathering for the
  dispersal of home brewed alcohol of any kind. There shall be no
  sale or donation-at-the-place-of-serving for the dispensing of
  legally purchased alcohol.

  All individuals hosting or serving alcohol at a gathering
  automatically assume all liability for the results of serving
  alcohol. All hosts must check IDs, shall not allow minors to
  drink, and shall be responsible for preventing individuals from
  drinking to excess. Absolutely no "open keg" type situations will
  be tolerated.

  No gatherings are allowed in Raven's Fort Commons or other
  "public areas" when large quantities of alcohol are "being passed

  If necessary, the option of licensed Officers on private duty is
  already in place.

  The Barony reserves the right to set up or build a public
  gathering place and utilize it for those purposes that support
  and fulfill the needs of the Barony and the goals of the SCA,



  To establish a "Private" or "Group / Household" Campsite ask the
  Land Liaison, Lee Cockerham (Kief) to assist you in finding an
  unused space.

  Mark the perimeters or corners of your camp with one of the
  following: Treated posts, pipe, large stones, or other
  non-obtrusive object. Paint your livery colors on the markers.
  Markers must be at least 30 inches tall. Use as few markers as
  possible, place them as close to trees as possible,to allow for
  mowing and spraying.

  Permanent fences, ground level barriers, and the use of fresh cut
  or untreated wood for "ground contact purposes" that interfere
  with mowing and spraying are not allowed.

  All structures and equipment in camps must be portable.

  All chairs, tables, garbage cans, etc, must be stacked neatly and
  secured to prevent the weather and the cattle from scattering
  them about. The preferred stowage spot is on, or immediately next
  to, your woodpile.

  All camps are to be maintained (mowed, raked, and cleared of
  dead-fall) a minimum of once per year. Each individual or group
  utilizing a campsite is responsible for its upkeep.

  Each camp must be used or maintained at least once per year. If
  not, then that individual or group may lose the privilege of
  maintaining their private / group Campsite.

  Work days / weekends will be arranged throughout the year.
  Contact the Land Liaison, Seneschal, Event Steward(s), or Baron
  and Baroness for dates to come up and work on the site.



  These site rules are subject to change without notice.


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: byzytym 
    To: doug bell ; ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org 
    Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 7:27 PM
    Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] site rules

    Way ahead of you Magnus.  
    I planned to give the historian and the Seneschal a copy of my event report complete with personal comments.  Perhaps the local Herald should keep a copy of the Champions as well.  
    One of the things that I am going to request / require from our members running the competitions is a COMPLETE SCA name and SCA home area of at least the winners.  It may not hurt to get some kind of contact number as well.  Phone, email, street address, any number they think that they might have a year from now.  It would sure make things easier.
    Of course I document all of the events that I Autocrat for my own files.  Wanna know how many people came to JellyStone Park Saint Patrick's Day weekend 1989 for Black, White and Sort of Greenish Gray ?  
    I'm sure that I have a set of rules from the last time I Autocrated in 2001, but I'm also sure that they have been customizes since then.  A newer version is required.  
    Perhaps Baron Brian can get new a copy for us.


    "what shall it profit a man,
    if he shall gain the whole world,
    and lose his own soul ?"

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: doug bell 
      To: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org 
      Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:00 PM
      Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] site rules

      A very good tradition to start would be for the Autocrat of Defender to put together a list of site rules, the event ad, champions list, etc and place it in a hand down file to the next years Defender autocrat.  
      You might keep it in Rosie when she isn't in use.


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