[Ravensfort] Work day at The Stones of Raven's Fort

Dominique Epps blueingreen at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 17 02:39:21 PDT 2008

I could do a chicken Curry...

byzytym <byzytym at att.net> wrote:       From the Autocrat of Defender of the Fort :
 There will be a work day this weekend on Saturday, June 21 at  The Stones of Raven's Fort.
 Baron Brian will be on site around 8AM and I will arrive  around 10AM.
 We plan to: 
 survey the entry road
 start clearing the Equestrian camping area
 kill poison ivy
 and in general take stock of what lies ahead
 Saturday will be the Summer Solstice.  
 It has been suggested that we could do a pot luck supper after  work.
 Please give feedback on this idea either privately or as a  response on this post.
 Thanks ahead of time for your efforts with the site  work.
 In peaceful service to the Barony,
 Vlod NotVlad
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