[Ravensfort] Quoth Update

Dan Smith Jr gogetdan at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 16:58:11 PST 2009


It's a busy holiday month, so please start getting things together and turned-in early.

For the January Issue, I am looking articles on the Battle of Reading , the Legend of Lalli, the Walk to Canossa, the first lottery in England. and Leonardo Da Vinci's flying machine. We are lacking original and public domain artwork. You may add information to the Baronial Calendar. 

There are offices open within our Barony. Please consider applying for one. We also need Deputies for some offices. If you are interested then please speak with the Seneschal or Their Excellencies.

: We are looking for :

Knight Marshal

On a side note, I talked with our regional chronicler, Lady Elisava Illiesca of Wallachia, and learned that it would be preferred that I step down in 6 months.  Not for any negative reasons, only as a matter of Kingdom policy.  So, to correct myself from the Pig's Pen: I will need a deputy immediately.  One that intends to take over the office in July.  I will talk more about the requirements in the months to follow both here and in my Quoth report.  For now, if you are sincerely interested, contact me privately.

I.S. - Alaric
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